November 28, 2008

Nathan prank calls Papa at work (FROM FRANCE!)

We have no idea how Nathan figured out how to call Papa's work phone from Mamy's house in France.  But he did.

We were all sitting there, watching him play with the phone.  But none of us knew he had actually made a call.  Or that the call actually went to my work phone.

Here's the recording I found when I got to the office (along with a montage of a few pics from the trip)

November 25, 2008

Nathan on the big boy manege...

Nathan was very afraid of le manege in La Baule... but he was fascinated by it.  He would ask to go there every day, "just to see."

He finally go the courage to go on a few of the more "scary" merry-go-rounds at the Jardin d'acclimatation in Paris.

November 24, 2008

Nathan conquers his fear

At the jardin d'acclimatation, Nathan took his first step towards conquering his fear of the "big boy" maneges.

Manege au Trocadero

(That blur? Oui, c'est Nathan!)

Nathan enjoys Square Lamartine

November 23, 2008

Semaine a La Baule

C'etait notre premiere fois a La Baule. Nous sommes arrives le 16 novembre, Mamie, Nathan, Sidney en TGV, Sam et Papie, en voiture. Ses kilometres de plages de sables nous ont conquis tout de suite. Notre location etait tres bien situee, sur la plage et en face du port du Pouliguen.

Notre cure de Thalasso (a Mamie et moi) a demarre le lundi. Mardi, je me tordais la cheville en allant voir Sidney au Baby Club. Apres radio, etc. il fut conclu qu'il vallait mieux utiliser des bequilles le reste de la semaine... Bien que estropiee et franchement epuisee par tout ce "trempage" dans l'eau de mer (au point de vouloir aller se coucher sans diner!), j'ai adore les soins et espere y retourner une autre annee... toute seule avec Maman!

Pendant que nous etions a la cure, Papie, Sam et Nathan allaient se ballader. Une des sorties favorites de Nathan etait d'aller aux tobogans sur la plage. Le mercredi et samedi, nous etions de visite obligatoire aux maneges du Pouliguen mais pour regarder seuleument. Nathan ne voulait absolument pas y monter!

Quant a Sam, il n'avait jamais eu autant de travail et il se souviendra sans doute toujours de son onterminable quete d'une connection Wifi. Apres plusieurs jours bredouille, il decouvrit enfin le Jam'z, un bar offrant une connection a ses clients. C'est alors au Jam'z ou assis devant le Jam'z que Sam a passe sa semaine a La Baule.

Puis, ce fut le retour en TGV. Tata et Ruben etaient venus nous chercher a la gare Montparnasse.

Square Lamartine

I have no idea what Nathan was saying.  But he kept saying it.  And running.

November 21, 2008

"Tobogan Roja papa!"

On our walk today, Nathan loudly exclaimed "Tobogan roja, Papa!" and pointed excitedly at the red tobogan. Linda and Alex later pointed out that it should be rojo. But hey, I was still impressed.

Nathan is starting to master his colors...

November 14, 2008

Coupe Parisienne

One of our missions on this trip was to get a nice kids haircut. So we went to the incredible Bruno Lienard to achieve the impossible: a cute cut without screams and tears. The salon had a Alice aux Pays des Merveilles decor and Bruno cut Nathan's hair in record time and the result is very pleasing (in our opinion). Fun experience that Nathan actually enjoyed.

November 13, 2008

Anniversaire de Mamie

Tonight we celebrated Mamili's birthday at home, so Nathan and Sidney discovered the rest of their French family: Tata, Jordan, Ruben, Grand-mamie, and Tonton. Nathan spent his evening playing with Ruben and hugging him: he loves "bigger kids". Dinner was delicious and desert was outstanding with Lenotre's new Devotion cake. However, Ruben had a Feuilles d'Automne and Jordan a Schuss...

November 12, 2008


After our long, long flight to Paris, Sidney couldn't help but sleep some more in a comfy bed this time... wide enough so he can extend his limbs!

"Do you know the muffin down"

Nathan likes the song "The muffin man," so when he got a muffin for breakfast on the airplane he burst into song...

"Do you know the muffin down"

November 8, 2008

Second dental visit

This went much better than the first time. Nathan really enjoyed the Chocolate tasting toothpaste.