February 27, 2011

Kung Fu Panda

Sidney (looking at the viewmaster and handing it to Nathan): "Look. Look. I see a kung-fu panda in there."

Nathan: "Sidney, that's a dinosaur."

February 26, 2011

February 22, 2011

Nathan sings "Munshine"

I showed Nathan and Sidney the video of Sidney singing Munshine with me last night. Tonight, Nathan asked if I would record him singing so I would put it on the blog.

He said he wanted to put it on his blog, too.

De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da

February 21, 2011

Sidney sings "munshine" (you are my sunshine)

Don't look for any image... it was in a black room. This is just audio.

February 19, 2011

In time out

I've got a secret...

Last night, Sidney wanted to whisper in my ear.

"I love you," he said.

Not to be outdone, Nathan also wanted to whisper in my ear.

"I'm having ice cream for desert," he said.

February 9, 2011
