May 8, 2009

Potty training

Since our vacation in Mexico, Nathan has been working on potty training.  We had mixed success while we were there, and continued the routine once we got home with only a few accidents.

Last Wednesday, while I was in San Antonio for work, I received a phone call from Alex.  She put Nathan on the phone and said, "Tell Papa what happened."

Of course the big news was that he went #2 in the potty, and he gave Alex plenty of advanced notice that he needed to be taken to the bathroom.

Tonight I find out that Nathan has not had an accident since then, and that he has even been "holding in" #1 while at the park in order to wait to be back at our house before going.

Definitely blog-worthy information.  Maybe not interested to our readership, but certainly  (potentially? maybe not?) something Nathan may find mildly interesting about 20 years from now.

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