February 24, 2009

Nathan ... tall enough to turn off his bedroom light!

About three weeks ago I asked Nathan to turn off the light in his bedroom all by himself.  He reached up and tried to do it, but he was still just a bit too short.

Today when I asked him to do it, I didn't expect he would be able to but... HE DID!

February 19, 2009

"Collector car?"

This morning I took Nathan on a little walk up to 11th and Lawton to pick up my car (parking is a bear if you don't get lucky).  On the way up the hill, Nathan and I talked about what we were seeing.

"That's a car."  He chirped.  "That's a tree, papa."

When we came across something he didn't know the name of yet, he would ask me in his usual way, saying "that's call?"

We came across a pick-up truck parked in the middle of the street, unloading some tools at a construction site.

"That's call?" said Nathan.  Then, without waiting for me to answer, he ventured a guess...  "That's call "collector car."" he said.

Pick-up truck... collector car.  Same difference?

February 15, 2009

Nathan has two new teeth

Nathan had been putting his fingers (almost his whole hand) in his mouth a lately, leading Alex and I to believe that he had some teeth coming in.

Alex checked his mouth today and sure enough, two back teeth (lowers) have pierced the skin!

Nathan "holds" it

While dressing Nathan on his changing table after his bath, Nathan started going pee.  As soon as he and Alex realized what was happening, Alex yelped (of course) and Nathan immediately stopped!

Alex walked him into the bathroom at which point Nathan re-started, finishing his peepee in the toilet.

February 13, 2009

Nathan likes ice cream...

I was going through old movies tonight, and saw one of Nathan from our trip to Mexico last May.

It's crazy how much progress he's made, and how much he's grown.

It's also hard to believe that at the time he was my only little boy.  He's still my "biggest" little boy, and still as cute as ever!

"J'entend pas"

Lately, Nathan has been telling us that "he doesn't hear" ("j'entend pas"). It's freaking both Alex and I out a little.

I was singing "you are my sunshine" to him tonight, and he interrupted me, quietly, to say "j'entend pas, papa."

But, when I ask Nathan immediately afterwards "tu m'entends pas?" (you don't hear me?") he''ll immediately reply, "si!"

SO I am sure he can hear us, but we're puzzled as to where this is coming from.


This morning as we were eating breakfast, Ana came into the kitchen.

Nathan was trying to explain to her that I was going to be heading off to work ("trabajado," in Spanish), soon.

"Papa traba..." he started.  Short pause.
"Papa tra..."  Another pause.
"Papa going working" he concluded.

February 12, 2009

Nathans first art project

Includes his first nibble of non-edible materials taken out of it...

Alex: "Who is that for?"
Nathan: "Nathan!"

"Embarcadero, 5 minutes"

Nathan and I went on a walk today after I got back from work.

As we walked past the N-Judah train stop, I heard Nathan say something about "Embarcadero."

"What?" I asked.
"Embarcadero.  5 minutes!" he replied.

Apparently he had overheard someone mention that the "next train heading towards Embarcadero (a train stop) is arriving in 5 minutes."

February 9, 2009

Ah! Mirrors!

Sidney would start crying when I would place the car seat in the car. I had a feeling that he didn't like the "blackness" of the seat! So, I thought that placing a mirror in front of him on the back seat may help... well, it did. As soon as Sidney noticed it, he stopped crying!

February 7, 2009

Looks like I wasn't the only one who didn't like the mural

A few weeks back I blogged about the commissioned grafitti  at a corner market in my neighborhood.  I didn't like it.  Apparently, others didn't like it either.

February 5, 2009

Family night at Nathan's pre-school

Nathan recently started pre-school.  It's a new pre-school, started by a mother of two who wanted to give her children a French-immersion experience.   We, and the other parents of the "morning sessions," were invited to her house for a bit of a mixer.

It was a first.

We met a lot of nice people, and I was happy to meet the parents of Nathan's "social circle."

Asthma or RSV?

After almost 10 days of a cold that is not getting better and a cough getting worse with some wheezing, we returned to the doctor's office. In order to rule out asthma, Sidney sat through an Albuterol inhaltion session. The nurse had warned me that babies hate the mask and put up a real fight but Sidney was amazingly calm and... sweet, like always!

Verdict: it's not asthma, so it's RSV which should get better in another week or so. Ouf!

February 4, 2009

"Family hug"

This morning marked the start of Alex's first day back at work.

Nathan and I helped her carry her bags and other "stuff" down to the car, so we could say "bye bye" and send her off with a big hug.

While we were all three snuggled up close together, Nathan exclaimed, "Family hug."