October 27, 2009

In his element

Sidney loves to eat. Eat, eat, eat.

October 25, 2009

October 22, 2009

The happy fireman

Nathan dressed up as a fireman this year for "pre-Halloween" (the Lycee is on vacance during the real Halloween, so they do a party the week before)

Le petit pompier

October 21, 2009

October 10, 2009

October 3, 2009

October 1, 2009

Yummy Yummy

Alex and I decided to take the kids to Yummy Yummy for dinner.

Alex: "Nathan, what would you think about going to Yummy Yummy for dinner?"
Nathan: "Then momma says no!"

Alex: "Nathan, but I'm inviting you to go. Do you want go to Yummy Yummy for dinner?"
Nathan: "Yeah! But two more minutes in the house!" (playing)

Nathan: "We're gonna go to Yummy Yummy for dinner. There's arroz inside."

"This is not a big car...

It's a bus!"