May 14, 2012

Sur Tintin

Maman: "Tu aimes Tintin?"
Nathan: "Oui"
Maman: "Tu sais qui est l'auteur?... Celui qui les a ecrit."
Nathan: "Non"
Maman: "Il s'appelle Herge"
Nathan: "C'est un bon ecrilleur!"

May 12, 2012

First time... Third place!!!

Bravo Nathan!!!

Note: the staff got a bit confused when guiding the kids in Nathan's category to the podium, they had Nathan stand in 2nd place instead of 3rd. The kid standing in 1st place should have been in 2nd and the one in 3rd should not have been in that group.

Tournoi de Judo en images



The takedown


Judo Masters

Enough talking. Let's fight.

Captain Kitchen

May 5, 2012

Nap on pop!


Sidney: "I only have Mama on my heart"
Nathan: "that's not very nice"
Sidney: "well I have another heart with Nathan, papa and me"