April 29, 2007

The "SiouxX"

Nathan has been cooing and babbling for a few weeks now. His favorite things to say back/forth with us are "A-reu A-geu A-gligli" and the ubiquitous "raspberries."

It turns out he is a good story-teller, as well. After a night feeding he'll burp, and then begin telling Alex a bedtime story. Softly his voice (more a hummmm) rises in falls as if he's recounting a fabulous tale that ultimately puts him to sleep on mommy's shoulder.

Sometimes we're actually not involved at all in the conversations, as this video shows.

Lately, however, Nathan has discovered screaming. And he loves it. Is quite talented at it.

In fact, upon hearing the screaming, Robert began calling Nathan "the Sioux" because of all the war-whoops he was prone to let loose at various times during the day, for no apparent reason.

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