August 27, 2008

Nathan meets Sidney

Mamie and Papie brought Nathan down from San Francisco to meet his new brother. Obviously the new arrival and impending introduction was the topic of the day, and Nathan quickly learned the word "frère" (brother, in French). Apparently he ran around saying "fair fair fair!" much of the day.

When he got to the hospital this afternoon, we all walked down the hallway with him to meet the new baby, who we had sequestered in the nursery just before Nathan's arrival to allow for us to all go and "get him together."

Nathan was excited about seeing the baby, and particulary wanted to see his hands and feet. He was also quite insistent that we make sure the "chapeau" (or "hat," depending on who he was talking to) was on the baby's head to keep him warm.

After Sidney graciously gave Nathan a few toys he brought with him on his trip (a panda bear, and a few toy cars -- including a garbage truck), it seems that Nathan was pretty happy to have Sidney around!

Obviously, we are happy too!


Unknown said...

Felicitations , Congratulations;
we are really happy for you, the blog is going to be much more active now !!

Anonymous said...

Félicitations à l'occasion de la naissance de votre bébé.